The Basics of Radiator Enclosures


Our radiator enclosures use all three types of heating to deliver greatest possible comfort, highest possible heating efficiency.

Convection moves currents of heated air throughout the room. Warm air expands and moves upward; heavier cold air replaces it. Radiator enclosures from Beautiful Radiators .com use convection to circulate air directly to the room’s comfort zone.

Conduction is heat transmission using a conductor. Transfer occurs where a warm object heats a cooler one that’s in direct contact with it. Radiator enclosures from Beautiful Radiators .com precisely control conduction, protecting people and pets from radiator burns. Yet the tops of the radiator covers are warm – warm enough, that they work wonderfully as food warmers in many upscale kitchens and dining rooms.

This idea came to our attention when a long-term customer ordered radiator covers for her dining room that were 3” deeper than what was needed to enclose the radiators. When we asked her about the extra-deep enclosure, she told us that the top of her radiator covers in the kitchen worked beautifully to keep foods warm, and she wanted the same feature in her dining room!

Radiation is heat waves traveling from a warm object to a cooler one without making contact. Heating is direct. Heated objects emit warmth in the form of warming rays called radiation heat waves. Radiator enclosures from Beautiful Radiators .com maximize the warmth from heat waves.


The illustration shows how radiator enclosures from Beautiful Radiators .com project warmth into the comfort zone of the room, reducing heat loss and multiplying the warming effect of heat waves by reflection.

The problem with exposed radiators:

1. Exposed radiators detract from the appearance of the room

Radiator covers transform a hot water radiator or steam radiator into fine furniture that can often function as shelving, book casing or a display area.

Radiator covers conserve heat, preventing outside wall absorption and directing heat energy where it’s needed.

2. Exposed radiators allow heat loss through absorption to outside walls

4. Exposed radiators can deposit airborne dust and dirt on wallcoverings and draperies

Radiator covers increase comfort by circulating warm air directly into the comfort zone of the room.  Radiator covers also help prevent drafty areas and “cold spots.”

3. Exposed radiators let heat rise directly to the ceiling

Radiator covers protect your fine draperies and wallcoverings.

5. Exposed radiators can burn you

Contact burns can occur as low as 118°F and the temperature of an uncovered steam or hot water radiator can exceed 200°F. Radiator covers protect your family, guests, and pets (and look great doing it!).

If you can imagine it . . . we can build it!

Any steam radiators can easily be fitted with a custom enclosure for a look that’s lighter and brighter, and more “kid-friendly.” And steam radiators with a suitable grill top provide space for toys, books or photos.

No matter what size or model, steam radiators can be transformed into useful space.

Options Create the Ultimate Custom Enclosure!
You can select round or mitered corners, insulated tops, cut-outs and notches – and much more!

For nearly eight decades, we’ve made radiator heating . . . a beautiful thing! This winter, with home energy prices high, you can keep utility costs low . . . and do it with style!